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I will fight for funding and resources to make a positive impact on
people’s lives. As Inverness has grown in population (25% in 20 years to 82,000),
the pressure on central areas - and on essential services - has increased.
Management of all sectors must be appropriate and consultative.


Supporting People and Communities

Listening to people and local communities; valuing and supporting the work of Community Councils and Residents’ Associations. Being available and contactable; following up people’s requests and concerns.

Opportunities for Young People

Investing in children and young people to ensure they have the opportunities and services to develop emotionally, socially and academically. Supporting schools, nurseries and other settings. Valuing and supporting Play Parks, the Merkinch Local Nature Reserve, ‘Safe, Strong & Free’ projects, and sporting and voluntary activities such as Boys Brigade, Sea Cadets, Football Academy. Protecting green spaces.


Protecting Green Spaces

We need to protect our existing green spaces, such as those are Dalneigh Primary School and Hawthorn Drive

Helping People Live in their own Homes

Supporting people to live in their own homes with all necessary adaptations; making sure homes are the right size, in the right place, and are warm, safe and energy-efficient. Making sure Highland Council acts in response to housing issues. Speedier housing re-lets.


Addressing Fuel Poverty

Addressing fuel poverty, maximising and targeting all available resources where most needed. Working with the Citizens’ Advice Bureau to ensure people claim the benefits they are entitled to (e.g. Pension Credit, Winter
Fuel Allowance, Income Tax Credits, Universal Credit). Maximising Inverness Winter Payments for those most in need.

Controlling Traffic Speeds and Volumes

Controlling traffic speeds and volumes across the Ward, campaigning for improved traffic management and reduced impact on residential areas. Where necessary, seeking Residents’ Parking, One-way streets, resurfacing, double yellow lines, flexible speed limits (i.e. 20 or 30 mph according to location), seeking to limit inappropriate HGV use of narrow residential streets.


Academy Street Changes

We need to ensure that the proposed changes to Academy Street do not negatively impact local businesses and residential areas.

Stopping sales of vapes to Under-18s

Vaping has become a major social and health issue. Trading Standards, Law enforcement and the retail sector must play a part in mitigating the problem.

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Supporting Positive Improvements

Such as at Merkinch Primary School, Bellfield Park, the Victorian Market and encouraging Active Travel.

Working with Local Organisations

Working cooperatively and constructively with all relevant statutory and voluntary organisations for the benefit of Inverness Central Ward - not only Highland Council Services, but Police Scotland, NHS Highland, Highland Health & Social Care Partnership, Inverness Chamber of Commerce, Inverness BID, Highlands & Islands Enterprise, and others. Working  constructively with the Ward Manager. Utilising Ward Discretionary Payments to support and protect local services and initiatives.

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